Category Archives: Poker Night in America

Tip of the Month – April 2013

Our Poker GameYour Own Poker Night!

Poker is like any other game. The more you play the better you get. To improve, you have to play the game. Online poker is great for gaining experience, but for some the interaction at a table of friends playing the greatest game ever, makes for a very satisfying evening of intrigue and laughter. Throw in your favorite beverage, some comfort food and quality background music and you have the makings for a real American Poker Night. Regular play will improve your game and these re-occurring Poker Nights, once started, can last for many, many years.

So if you enjoy poker and you don’t have a regular poker night with friends, start one. It might be the beginning of a long series of great memories.

Paul Smith
Poker Night in America

PS: Check out our earlier post about How To Start A Poker Night Group, and create a fun atmosphere with Poker Night in America logo items.

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Filed under Poker Night in America, Poker Tip of the Month, Start a Poker Group

Tip of the Month – January 2013

Poker Money

In my many years of poker playing, I never missed an opportunity to engage in this magnificent pastime. I have lost all my money and more many times in my 50 plus years of dedicated allegiance to this fascinating game, and I would like to pass on an important bit of wisdom about enjoying the game.Poker Money

Play only with poker money. Only use extra money that is designated for fun. I did not enjoy playing the game nearly as much, and I didn’t play as well when I was playing with money that was slated for bills or otherwise intended. In other words, I believed that I didn’t have the money to play, but I played anyway. Lucky for me, these occasions took place before I got married and had family responsibilities.

As a single man, I learned a lot and came to the conclusion that poker truly should be played with extra money after your personal responsibilities have been met. Remember, no one wants to take food out of your kid’s mouth or stress your wife out because one of your poker buddies check raised you all in, when you were using the mortgage money to stake your place at the table, even if you were staring at pocket aces again.

Poker is an honorable game, and it is played by honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Paul Smith
Poker Night in America

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Filed under Poker Night in America, Poker Tip of the Month

Tip of the Month – December 2012

George BurnsIn poker, it is at times important to convince others that your rather large bet is due to a strong hand. The question then is why should they believe you?

I think it was best put into words by the late George Burns when he said: “Sincerity is the secret to success. When you can fake that,
you’ve got it made…”

Well put Mr. Burns, I’ll bet you were a darn good poker player too.

Paul Smith
Poker Night in America

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Filed under Poker Night in America, Poker Tip of the Month

Tip of the Month – November 2012

One for the boys,

Be careful about inviting your wife to play poker with you and your poker buddies. You might find that she will threaten your place at the table. That is to say that since my wife started playing poker in our weekly neighborhood poker game there have been more than a few occasions where I was check raised by her and I am out, my bluff was called by her and I was out, or she calls a questionably high bet on my all in, only to hit on the river.

The moral to this story is nobody knows you or can read you better than she can. So if you want to enjoy playing the game longer and not end up cleaning the mess in the kitchen, because you are out while she is still taking your friends chips, you might want to adopt a simply fold when she is committed to the hand philosophy. Going head to head with her can be very disappointing. Especially if the there is a sink full of dishes.

I speak from experience.
They don’t call her the Black Widow for nothing.

Paul Smith
Poker Night in America

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Filed under Poker Night in America, Poker Tip of the Month

Tip of the Month – October 2012

Strip Poker Strategy

It has come to our attention and we believe it is true, that at some point, “strip poker” will cross your path at least once in your life. You should be prepared for this moment and a very good poker friend of ours, Paul Wadsworth, gave us some very valuable advice with regard to this rather unusual take on our noble game of poker. We decided to pass it on. We found it to be very simple and very sound advice.

So here it is…

If you play
strip poker naked,
you have nothing to lose.

Good luck and please,
make good decisions.

Paul Smith
Poker Night in America

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Filed under Joke of the Month, Poker Night in America, Poker Tip of the Month